Gender Equality is the crucial key for improved Societies

Gender Equality is the crucial key for improved Societies

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Side-event: International Federation for Peace and Sustainable Development & Guatemala Permanent Mission to the United Nations 


Theme: Virtual Discussions on Gender Equality is the crucial key for improved Societies (Government, Environment and Climate Change, Economic Empowerment, Education and healthier society)

Concept paper: Governments should adopt a new set of Sustainable Development Goals, work together to draft a meaningful climate agreement, and craft a framework to provide the financial resources needed to deliver on a global sustainable development agenda – including gender equality – are protected, respected, and fulfilled. Efforts to promote inclusive sustainable development and fight climate change are inextricably linked. All countries – developed and developing – have a role to play in ensuring a stable world for our children. In many countries, women are responsible for the provision of water and food for their families, and the UN Climate Change Conference, we have the opportunity to integrate gender equality and women’s empowerment fully into the effort to promote sustainable development and fight climate change.

Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Venue: Virtual Zoom; United Nations, New York (time)

Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm 

Sponsor by Guatemala Mission to the United Nations

Legal Name: International Federation for Peace & Sustainable Development (IFPSD)

Contact Person: Mrs. Sally Kader

Phone: 973-568-8384


Web Site: www.ifpsd.or