Title: Women in Armed Conflict and Post-Conflict Situations
Date: 10 March 2015, Tuesday
Time: 11:30 am-12:45 pm
Room: UN Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium
Moderator: Mrs. Sally Kader, President and Founder USFMEP
Speakers: To be announce later
Organizer: US Federation for Middle East Peace (USFMEP)
Brief description of the event:
The purpose of the general discussion is to talk about the appropriate and authoritative guidance to member states on the measures to be adopted to ensure full compliance with their obligations to protect, respect and fulfill women’s human rights during times of armed conflict and in all peace-building processes, which includes the immediate aftermath of conflict and long-term post-conflict reconstruction applying the following provisions of the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women.
In any conflict, women are not just passing victims, rather are often pressurize into being an active part of the violence, suffering through intimidation, beatings, rape, torture, arrest and displacement. Women aid-workers and civil society members who attempt to quantify the data in order to spread accurate information about the issues on the ground are themselves often subject to the same problems. The past few decades have seen many conflicts all over the world, but the gendered lens to understand these conflicts is lacking. The information that is there is crucial to engaging with the various plights that women in conflicts face. Now, the time has come to engage in discourse regarding women and conflict, discourse that should include the United Nations and its subsequent committees, especially the Security council, the governments of the countries where these conflicts have broken out and their neighbors. However, more than anything, it is time to include women themselves in these discussions, for it is their future that is being put on the line.
For more information please contact: Mrs. Sally (Salwa) Kader, President and Founder
eMail: info@usfmep.org mobile: +1973-568-8384 Office: +1917-331-4699